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tv   BBC World News America  PBS  July 18, 2011 4:00pm-4:30pm PDT

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>> this is "bbc world news america." scotland yard is under fire. a second top boss goes as the u.k. phone hacking scandal spreads. >> those who take on the most difficult jobs have to stand up and be counted when things go wrong. >> a former reporter and source of a number of the allegations has been found dead. gaddafi must go. that is the message u.s. officials say they delivered in face-to-face talks with representatives of the libyan leader. training for the london olympics. someone from trinidad is overcoming obstacles to make his country prague. -- proud.
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" welcome to our viewers on pbs and around the globe. each day brings a new twist in the scandal that has engulfed britain. today was no exception. first the news of the second high-profile resignations and scotland yard in 24 hours when john yates announced he was stepping down. then a former "news of the world" reporter that alleged widespread hacking was found dead. the circumstances are not believed to be suspicious. nick robinson reports. >> he resigned just a day after his boss, commissioner paul stephenson. both are paying the price for failing to get to grips with the hacking scandal, so says the mayor of london. >> i have just come off of the phone with yates and tendered
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his resignation. >> insisted both men jumped and were not pushed. he made it clear he did everything to encourage them. >> there are issues and questions. it will make it difficult for them to continue to do their job in the way they wanted. >> john yates began the day determined not to resign. he told colleagues he would not submit to trial by media. he explained why he was going. >> we are truly accountable. those of us to take on the most difficult jobs have to stand up and be counted when things go wrong. sadly, there continues to be a huge amount of inaccurate and downright malicious gossip published about me personally.
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this has the potential to be a significant distraction in my current role. >> this is the man whose arrest caused the crisis. the former deputy editor neil wallace. they hired him to give years ago to improve public relations. it emerged today that his daughter works for the police and john davis is alleged to of help to get the job. -- john yates is alleged of helping her get the job. he made no mention of the relationship with wallace. that is what cost him and john yates their careers. what divides the prime minister and the man is oddly what connects them. both hired "news of the world" to help improve their image.
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wallace was hired by yates and stevenson. all of them insist they knew nothing about hacking. the prime minister is on an awkwardly timed trip to south africa. he is cutting it short to return home to make another statement. the labor leader says he is not capable of giving the leadership required. >> the company needs strong leadership to restore trust in politics, the press, and the police. the prime minister is unable to show that leadership because of the decision he made to hire andy in the first place. he has failed to answer clear questions. there's also his inexplicable failure to apologize for the terrible error of judgment in hiring him. >> david cameron insisted there was no comparison between his behavior and that of the
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metropolitan police. >> and not believe the situations are the same in any form. in terms of any colson, no one has argued the work he did in government in was in any way inappropriate or bad. he worked well in government. he then left government. there is a contrast with the situation in the metropolitan police. clearly the issues have been around whether or not the investigation is being pursued properly. >> the inquiry is making more extraordinary headlines. police officers are at the home of the former show business reporter sean hoare who was found dead tonight, just weeks after telling them he had been pressured to tap phones. his death is being described as unexplained but not suspicious. nick robinson for bbc news, westminster.
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>> for more on how this could impact the report marked empire, i am joined by a senior business writer for bloomberg news. -- this could impact the rupert murdoch empire, i am joined by a senior business writer for bloomberg news. what can they say that will reassure shareholders? >> i think shareholders will want to hear that the worst is past. there's a sense among shareholders -- viavoice given rupert murdoch -- they have always given rupert murdoch a bit of a break. there has always been a bit of a murdoch discount thinking he is going to do what he wants to do and do not always what is best for shareholders. they've given him a break because he has a good view long- term of where the company is going. now he and his management team look like a group that is not in front of the news.
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they continue to get hammered by events. they are not prepared for it. they're constantly reacting. i think shareholders will want to see that the worst is behind them and they have their arms around this and know where it will go from here. >> is there any threat to the murdochs themselves? are their personal reputations so damaged it is now a liability for management? >> there is a possibility that is the case. the board of directors felt like the information flow from management to the board has not been good. it has not been of high quality. it has not been in the quantity they want. they do not feel like they're getting accurate statements from management. they're starting to wonder if the management team has the credibility to lead news corp. going forward. he and his family control 38% of the voting shares. they can prevent the board from
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doing a lot of things. you could see more management changes and pressure to shake up the ranks given how badly things have been handled so far. >> can you name names? top people have gone. who else needs to go? >> i cannot get into that. i think that would be inappropriate. i will say the independent board members, there are nine of them. they have grown frustrated. they're asking themselves if they can trust the management team and has what it takes to take them through the mess. is this management team ready to get out in front of whatever else might happen with other violations on the watch of this management team? >> "news of the world" has already gone. are there any signs the scandal is starting to spill onto other
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news corp. interests in america? >> i think this is. the communications team here has begun interviewing crisis teams to hire some outside p.r. firms that of work for companies that of gone through bankruptcy or been in damaging situations. it shows they are worried it will come to the united states. you are starting to see more of an impact at the wall street journal. the editorial page today had a lengthy editorial coming out against the >> of news corp.. journal" istreet j being driven to this as well. >> thank you for joining us. in other news, 7 afghan policeman have been killed in southern afghanistan. the attack happened in an area due to be handed over to afghan
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control later this week. it also coincided with the departure of america's top commander, general david petraeus. he is leaving to become head of the cia. u.s. marine corps general allan will take over control of the forces in afghanistan. the u.s. senate will hold daily sessions including the weekend until legislation is passed to raise the government limit on borrowing. the senate majority leader said it was necessary to prevent the u.s. from defaulting on its debt. talks have taken place between the u.s. government officials and representatives of the libyan leader muammar gaddafi's government. this comes after months of air strikes bombarded in the country. for more on what the talks entailed, i am joined by andrew north. what is the significance of this meeting coming so soon after the u.s. government recognized the rebels as the legitimate governing authority?
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>> there is a direct link. u.s. officials have been clear to point that out. having said they now recognize it after delaying it for some time, this underlines their message that gaddafi has to go. they say he has to leave power. they're not making it clear he house to leave the country. it does leave the possibility that colonel gaddafi could step down to stay inside libya. >> there are conflicting versions of the talks. what are the libyans same? >> the libyans have reacted positively. they said they welcome the effort to repair relations. they are trying to characterize this as a new position. americans are saying this was not negotiation. this was just to give the message that gaddafi has to go. >> the message does not seem to
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be getting through. where does this leave the u.s. and nato as fighting continues? >> the americans are saying they believe the message did get through despite what the libyans are saying publicly. they realize gaddafi will have to go. they hope this will put pressure on those around him to start abandoning him. we have had that help for four mounts. there is pressure on the u.s. and its allies. this is been dragging on. nothing much has changed on the ground. there's a lot of pressure on president obama and other european governments involved. they will be hoping this starts to change things. it is still a ways off. >> u.s. is saying no further talks are planned. does this mean a political solution is dead in waters? >> i would say negotiation is still possible. the french have been pursuing contacts. this could be the starting gun.
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>> over the past few weeks, we have reported extensively on the international appeal for the drop of victims of east africa. charities are monitoring the controversy and a experiment. the u.n. has been restricting food handouts to people in one region to try to make them less dependent upon the age. an increasing number of families in the area are complaining of severe shortages. some are even sending their children as young as three to the capital to bed. our correspondent reports. >> tiny hands, a child begs for money on a busy street. he is 3 years old. he is not the only one. their families know that they are here. their job is to send money back home.
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guided by a charity helping the children, i established that he is being looked after by a 13- year-old girl. i took the name of the village and headed off to find their families. it is in one of the poorest places in the world. it is also the focus of the human experiment -- of the human experiment to try to stop reliance upon aid. the last time i was here in january, i found children so hungry they are having to eat raw goat's [unintelligible] more children are being sent today because of the shortage of food. everybody recognizes him. no one tries to hide that their children are begging in the city. she is his aunt.
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how many children from this village are in the city? she says about 60, just from this village. do you have of the children here? -- do you have other children here. she will also go. what do the ugandan authorities say? >> that put the children in. >> some children do get help. they are now in school. they were arrested by a small church charity. now 10, this childbed for five years. -- this childbed for five years.
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>> they would beat me and still my money. i feel safe now. >> a handful saved. thousands suffering mistreatment every day. the u.n. says the experiment is one of tough choices. they're not drawing of a plan to stop it. -- they are now drawing up a plan to stop it. >> still to come, helping the people of haiti after the earthquake. an even greater challenge. we speak to a man who has championed the cause of one of the world's poorest nations. now to a study that suggests painkillers rather than anti- cicada drugs could be a better way to treat some symptoms of dimension. research finds some of the more distressing symptoms of dementia are actually caused by pain and could be treated with
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the medicine. our correspondent has the story on how this research could impact the overall care of patients. >> dementia is a terrible, a debilitating condition that often makes patients agitated or aggressive. doctors have traditionally treated them with anti-saccadic drugs -- and i-psychotic drugs. they can have side effects of sedation and increased risks of smoking -- stroke and death. painkillers may be at least as effective and far less harmful. researchers took 352 patients with moderate to advanced dementia. half were given regular painkillers. the others were not. those taking pain relief had a 17% reduction in agitation symptoms. >> the size of the benefit was significant. it was bigger than the benefits reported with the anti-- psychotic drugs. this is about a substantial
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effect on agitation and aggression. >> that is exactly what she and her husband found. he has alzheimer's and suffers a lot of pain. getting his tradpain treated properly has made a big difference for both of them. >> his mood has changed. i never knew how he would be hour.our to ou >> the study today is prompting experts to urge doctors everywhere to consider whether a simple painkillers may be a better solution. ♪ >> in haiti, it has been a year and have since the devastating earthquake killed more than 250,000 people and destroyed the capital. 600,000 people still live in settlement camps. many face a daily struggle for survival.
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he tells the story in his new book. for three decades, he has worked to help the people of the island nation. he recently joined me from new york to discuss their current plight. thank you for joining us. you have been a champion for haiti for many years, long before the earthquake happened. you describe in your latest book the resilience and suffering of the people. what is the situation now a? what should be happening? >> the situation in haiti remains difficult. we're in the midst of and maybe in the early stages of a cholera epidemic. it is related to the earthquake and destruction of the need for infrastructure -- the meager infrastructure. many people are still living in tents. a lot of the infrastructure was destroyed in the earthquake.
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most of it has not been rebuilt. much of the rubble has not been removed yet. >> what are the people in haiti saying about their own future? where do they see the future going? >> we talk to people in all departments and all of the geographical areas. mostly we talk to people living in poverty, fishermen, farmers, vendors. they all seem to want a haiti with sovereignty, dignity, the chance to send their children to school, and do a little more than just get by. the spirit still exists very much in haiti. i found it to be reassuring. >> given the unique social and natural challenges facing haiti, is there a another country that
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could serve as a model for reconstruction in haiti? >> i think the example of rwanda can be very instructive. i have worked as a physician there for several years. to know that only 17 years ago, that country lay in ruins. even though the infrastructure of rwanda was not damaged in the way that haiti's was, socially it was even more damage. a huge number of people were killed in the genocide. a large number of people were guilty of crimes. rebuilding the social institutions -- if people had predicted 17 years ago that the country would bounce back, i am not sure the experts would have agreed. but it has bounced back. we're hoping haiti will also look to rwanda as it seeks to rebuild. >> think you very much for joining us. -- thank you very much for
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joining us. in south africa today, the celebration was in full swing for the 91st birthday of nelson mandela. children across the country simultaneously it sang a special version of happy birthday in his honor. the latest pictures show him spending the day surrounded by his family in his rural home town. it in 375 days, the party will officially be under way in london as the olympic games kick off. all over the world, athletes are training for their chance to make the team and hopefully top the podium. matthew has the story of 119- year-old from trinidad who has overcome crime and poverty to fulfill his ambitions. >> every morning and evening from now until london 2012, you will find him doing this. he is a 400 meter hurdler.
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he is one of the best athletes this country has produced. he only has one thing on his mind. >> just thinking about the olympics. i am not happy with just making the finals. i want to get the gold medal. >> the people who know him best say he was born special. that is in keeping with out a lot of sports people refer to them some cells -- refer to themselves. they put a lot of it down to their genes. if he wins in london, it will have a lot more to do with his hard work. trinidad society as face the twin specters of comedy and crime reduce poverty and crime. -- it has face the twin specters of poverty and crime. scenes like this are not uncommon. >> crime, shootouts, some are in
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jail. some have children or even younger than me. it is a sad sight to see. >> he believes his sport and a strong faith in god offer him and his friends and alternative to a life of crime. those around him hope that others will follow. >> they will see that if they want something, they have to work hard for it. they take it seriously. they go to practices. the also concentrate on academics. >> you do not have to limit yourself because of the situation you are in. if you grow up in the ghetto, that does not mean you have to be doing things like your from the ghetto. most people in the sport came out of the ghetto.
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there some of the best people in society today. >> this young man knows that trinidad could do with some new heroes. he is dedicating every minute to making his family and his country proud. bbc news in trinidad. >> the dreams of the libyans are only starting. the final space shuttle mission is coming to an end. -- the dreams of the olympians are only starting. the final space shuttle mission is coming to an end. it is aiming to land back on earth on thursday. the crew members floated through the airlock ready for the last trip of the shuttle program. you can find more on this story and all of the stories of the day on our website. for all of us at abc world news, thank you for watching. see you soon.
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♪ is so wondrous ♪ wondrous ♪ ♪ there's more to explore when you open the door ♪ ♪ and meet friends like this, you just can't miss ♪ ♪ i know you're curious ♪ curious ♪ ♪ and that's marvelous ♪ marvelous ♪ ♪ and that's your reward ♪ you'll never be bored ♪ if you ask yourself, "what is this?" ♪ ♪ like curious... ♪ like curious... curious george. ♪ oh... captioning sponsored by nbc/universal narrator: george always liked to visit the man with the yellow hat's old neighborhood. and that used to be the bookstore. and look, that's where i saw my very first movie. ah! (hooting excitedly) ooh! (chattering curiously)


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